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OW OBM Wetting Agent
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OBM Additives


Product Description

OW, an anionic surface active agent, is refined from alkyl alcohol and acid anhydride by esterification and suffocation reaction. OW not only reduces the surface tension, but also improves the lipophilic of weighting agent through the wettability reversal effect, prevents barite sag, and enhances the suspension ability. The recommended dosage is 1.0-2.0% (v/v).


Technical Specification




Viscous liquid

Density, g/cm


Flash point, ℃


Surface tension, mN/m




Effectively prevent barite sag, enhance the suspension ability.

Good permeability.

High performance with low amount.

Compatible with other additives well.


Package and Storage

It is a liquid packaged in 5 gal cans and 55 gal drums. International packaging may vary. And they shall be stored in a shady and dry place with good ventilation.



They shall be avoided contact with eyes, skins and clothes, otherwise flush it with water. Handling methods and dangerous data shall be referred to MSDS.

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